Plum Jam

"Give me a home among the gum trees, with lots of plum trees"

Although we don't have a plum tree ourselves - yet.... I was at the supermarket today and got 2 kilos of plums for a bargain price! So it was time for a jam session!

Here is Four Chooks Farm's Plum Jam recipe:


2 kilos of plums, stones removed and roughly chopped
1.5 kilos of white sugar
1 cup of water
The juice of one lemon or 2 limes

Method :

Put all the ingredients into a large pot (double the size of where the ingredients come up too) - this allows room for a good rolling boil.

Start with a mild heat to gently dissolve the sugar so that it doesn't burn on the bottom of the pot.

Then bring the heat up enough that it's not a raging boil, but a nice rolling boil.

Reduce down, stirring occasionally - till reduced by half or a jam set has occurred (this will take between 30-60 minutes depending on how ripe your fruit is).

Test your jam set by putting a small amount of your jam onto a cooled plate - give it a minute then push the jam gently - if it wrinkles - it's achieved a set and can be poured into sterilised jars.

This jam is delicious on scones, fresh bread, in baked goods - or straight out the jar!!!



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