Household Green Cleaners

Green cleaners are safe, natural products that cheap and easy to make and work better than any store bought!

These are some I found on the net that I've tried and tested!*

Note - may require some elbow grease!! ;)

1 cup vinegar
A few drops of tea tree oil
Put this into a squirt bottle and off you go.

FLOOR CLEANER (tiles, vinyl or laminate)
½ cup white vinegar
2 litres hot water
Put this in a bucket and a mop away. If you have a really dirty floor, add a squirt of homemade laundry liquid to this mix.

½ teaspoon olive oil
¼ cup vinegar or fresh lemon juice
Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wooden surfaces. Seal in the glass jar and store indefinitely.

½ cup of bicarb, and add enough liquid soap to make a Thick creamy mixture.
Scoop the mixture onto a sponge, and start scrubbing.
This is great for cleaning bathrooms.
Note: Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin to the mixture and store in a sealed glass jar, to keep the product moist. Otherwise just make as much as you need at a time.

½ cup washing soda
2 litres warm water
Mix together and store in a sealed plastic container that is marked with the name.
Can be used as a floor cleaner – tiles, laminate or vinyl or for general cleaning of walls, counter tops or sinks.

½ cup white vinegar in final rinse.

*note these have been copied from books and other websites, they are here for my notes only.


  1. Thank you for these great tips. I am always on the look out for eco friendly recipes :)


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